miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

I love Food!

Hello classmates, it's been a long time since the last time I wrote a posting. Today I'm going to talk about food, what I like and dislike, places where I go to celebrate some special situations, and things about food, so I hope you like this new posting.

The dish I like the most are Pastas in general, I love eating spaghettis, raviolis, gnocchis, every kind of Italian preparation. I really like this dish with any kind of sauce, it can be Bolognese sauce, four cheese sauce, Raviatta sauce, whatever can join to spaghettis.

What I hate the most is to eat seafood, I don't like how it tastes, the way it looks, I can't even stand the smell of it.

Pastas are really good in a restaurant called "Golfo di Napoli" I went there last friday and i loved the place, the service is very good, and the food is very tasty and generous, so it's really a good place to go and have a good time.

Apart of this delicious dish, I also love chocolate! I can't resist to eat it, but I can't deny that, when I finish eating it, I feel really guilty but in the momento, while I'm enjoying the taste of it, I don't feel guilty at all.

So friend, hope you like this post.

See you soon.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

I admire...

Hello Classmates, today I have to talk about a person of my carrer (physical therapy) that I admire, and that person is Rodrigo Latorre. He is my teacher of functional anatomy and he is so lovely!
I don't know too much about his life, but last year, while I was studing Nutrition, I had problems in my back, so he took a look to my problem, and he was so nice, he told me the problem that I had (that now I don't remember) and he send me some exercise to do at home.

I know that he studied Physical Therapy in my same university: University of Chile. He has the master's degree in Orthopedic Manual Therapy (OMT), and works at "MEDS". He specializes in treating pacients referred to treatment for spinal injuries. With this titles that Rodrigo Latorre have won, he is recogniced all over the world, so that is one all of the things that makes me admire him so much.

I haven't been too much in touch with him because we have had just one class with him, but I hope I can know him better.

So friend, hope you are ok, see you soon!