miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

I admire...

Hello Classmates, today I have to talk about a person of my carrer (physical therapy) that I admire, and that person is Rodrigo Latorre. He is my teacher of functional anatomy and he is so lovely!
I don't know too much about his life, but last year, while I was studing Nutrition, I had problems in my back, so he took a look to my problem, and he was so nice, he told me the problem that I had (that now I don't remember) and he send me some exercise to do at home.

I know that he studied Physical Therapy in my same university: University of Chile. He has the master's degree in Orthopedic Manual Therapy (OMT), and works at "MEDS". He specializes in treating pacients referred to treatment for spinal injuries. With this titles that Rodrigo Latorre have won, he is recogniced all over the world, so that is one all of the things that makes me admire him so much.

I haven't been too much in touch with him because we have had just one class with him, but I hope I can know him better.

So friend, hope you are ok, see you soon!

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