miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

My Experience in English Class

Hello classmates.

Today I'll write my last post! And that is because today is the last day that we will be in the computer lab, so I'll tell you something about my experience in this english class and how I have felt in this subject.

At the beginning I thought that this class will be useful because for a long time that I had not practiced English, so I was excited that I could resume my practice in english.

As time passed, I realized that this english class was not as I thought. First that we have to travel from our university that is in Independencia to this other faculty that is in Quinta Normal.
Also, I do not agree with the rules that are in this department, so really I haven't had a good experience with this class and the way that it is being carried out.

All though, this "posting class" I think is very useful because it has help me to improve my writing, and to have a better flow.

I think that next semester, listing lesson shoud improve, because we have some quiz listening, but we have no way to practice it, so I think it will help a lot.

Bye classmates!

I hope you have enjoyed with this blog, I don't think I'll write again!
Or maybe next semester! No one knows!

See you

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

My Ideal Work is....

Hello Classmates!
It's not a very good day for me... but I hope it will get better.

Today I'll speak you about my ideal work, on how I look my self in the future.

In this short time that I've been studying physical therapy, I have seen different areas in wich I could work in the future, of all of them, I've liked in specially two of them.

The one that i like the most is Neurologycal Physical Therapy. It have a great field and the ones that specializes in this area works with people that have had brain accidents, so they have lost some motor functions, or with peoplea with some degenerative problems as Parkinson, or tumor in the spinal cord or in the same brain. So the Physical Therapist are in charge on bringing them a normal life.

The other area that I like is "Traumatology", it is in charge on healing problems related with bones, so if you have a sprain or you broke a part of your body, you must go to the physical therapist, so you can recover your function on a hundred percent.
All though, I'm just in first year, many thing can happen until I Finish studying, so nobody knows.

I can tell you that I'm very happy studying physical therapy, it is really the career that I love, everything on it is perfect, the relation with the patients, the gratification you feel when you heal them, everything is beautiful. It is really the work that I want in a future, I hope, not to far away.

Hope you like your career as much as I do.

See you next week!

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Health prevention.

Hello classmates, I hope you liked my last posting.

Today I'm going to talk about health prevention and how can I, a student of physical therapy, contribute in teaching people some things that they can prevent some accidents.

First of all, people must have a balanced diet so that, they can be strong enought to stand in a better way the supposed accident that they can have. This is a prevention that is general of health's area.

Now, in relation to my field, which is Physical Therapy, that is very close to the sport area, it is very common to have some traumatisms like: tore of muscles, or sprains of finger or ankle, or another part of the body, so it is very important that the man or the woman that will practice any sport, has to do some warming-up exercises, so that the muscles don't start doing hard work without a previous or light warm up.

In addition to this, doing sport is very good for health, because it helps you being active and with energy. Sport also helps you because when you do sport, in general you don't get sick so often, so it's helps you to being healthy.

As I'm a student, I don't have too much information, but with the knowledge that I have, I could teach some people that don't have any knowledge about how to keep a healthy life, so that I can contribute with the social service, which is very important at the moment of studying a career related to health.

So, see you next week!

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

It's a new age!

Hello classmates and teacher!

So long I haven't been here, I've been very busy with university and work!

But now I'm back, and I'm going to talk about a topic that is very important nowdays

Have you notice that women now is more independent than in the past?

Well, this is a fact that is happening right now, because more women day after day are taking control of her life, we doesn't depent on what the men said, or what the men wants, we do that we want and every time we want, we are talking control of our own life!

Before, the women was the one in charge of cleaning the house, or take care of the children, and serve the husband, and the man of the family weas in charge of work and bring de money for the family. Nowdays, this situation have changed, now women doesn't depend on the money that the man brings to the house, because is she the one that works and efforts to bring home the money and the things that are needed.

Also, now couples don't get married before going to live together, the idea is to save money between both, and start to emerge supporting each other.

Personally, I like this change, because I agree with the idea that the women can do as much things as men can.

So, hope you like this little opinion!

See you in the next ocassion.