viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

A healthy lifstyle

Hello classmates, it's been a long time since my last post, and many things have ocurred. Today I'm going to talk about how to have a healthy lifestyle, and if it is posible.

Nowdays it's very dificult to have a healthy life, because there is fast food everywhere, people is every day more and more sedentary and the air is getting worst everyday with pollution.
However, there are many thing that people can do trying to fight these bad habits. First of all, sport is the most important because it prevents many diseases such as obesity, high cholesterol, and it keeps your brain and your heart working perfect.
Also, sport must be complement with a healthy and balanced diet, for example, people must have milk three times per day, eat 4 or 5 fruits/vegetables, have legumes at least 2 times per week, and drink a lot of water.

A good moment to get away of all these bad habits is on holidays por example, because is the best chance to go to places with a better air to breath, with less pollution. And a perfect moment to run in the mornings, in the beach for example. Vacations are also a good moment to use more suitable clothes, and no the one that people must use to go to work, or to go to the school... this thing that I've just mention, are some thing that can get us out of the rutine, and help us to have a better lifestyle.

So, try to do your best before the summer arrives! ... for a summer without a shirt!
Enjoy. and smiles at life!

1 comentario:

  1. a summer without a shirt? interesting XD, where do you go for summer? 1313 jajaja
