miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

English at the university...

What do you think of english? do you think it is useful? it is really necesary to learn it at university? Since last year that in "Universidad of Chile" english is compulsary in some careers, so students are graduated with a better level of english, that give them more opportunities abroad at the moment of search a work. In this essay I'm going to give some positives views and the negatives ones, so you can make your own opinion.

Since 2009, in physical therapy, english is a compulsory subject, and how everything in life, it have some good things and others that are not that good. First of all, english is a perfect implement if students what to travel abroad, because it is the universal language, so it give them some facilities to comunicate with their partners. It also give them the chance to study from english books, that as we know, they are the ones that have the better and newest information.
Learning english at university also helps students that knew some english since school to practice it, talking, and listening it. To know english also give the opportunity to go as an exchange student abroad, and this is a great apportunity to grow as professionals.
By the other side, english might not be very useful if students don't know how to take advange of it, and it that case, taking english as a compulsory subjetc is just some waste of time, because it take time to go to classes and do the homework, time that can be well spent doing some other works for university.
One last thing that I want to mention, is that english is a lenguage that have to be wanted to be learnt to really take advantage of it, because if not, students don't take it seriously because there are some others subject that are even more important.

So, to conclude, english is a tool that each student have to decide to take it or to leave it. In my opinion I think that english is very useful to our future as physical therapist, even more to them that want to travel and keep on studying abroad. The better information is on english books, so english have to be used to be better and a complete professional. Just think it..

Bye Classmates!

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