miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

My hobbies are...

Ok, this is a topic that I don't like to talk because I don't have any hobbie in particular.
I used to practice athletism, but when I was twelve years old, I had an accident while I was running, and I had to stay in bed for about 1 month and a half, so i really had a bad time.
When I was recovered, I was scared of running again, so I stopped practicing athletism.
I really liked that sport, so now i'm trying to resume this activity.

Since 2004, when I had the accident, until nowdays, what I do in my free time is anything I can do, I pass a lot of time with my boyfriend and I get together with my friends. When I can't go out of my house, I like to listening to music, or watch TV, or stay in the computer.

When I practiced athletism, I used to go to the National Stadium with a school group that practiced athletism too, so while we were training, we share some life experiences, so it was not as personal as some people believe, because even thought I used to run the speed test, I had all the support in my partners that were encouraging me at all times.

So, like you can see, I do thing that young people do, I don't have a hobbie in particular, but I'm trying to resume what I really like to do althought it's a little difficult because i was used to do anything, so start this year training a sport is something that goes out of the rutine, but until now i really like to go and run to the stadium.

So friends, bye bye! :D

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

A Moving night!

Ho My God! I've just remembered the worst night of my life.
I was watching Ricardo Arjona in "Festival de Viña del Mar 2010" with some friends. When the show came to the end, me and a friend went to the kitchen to make some tea. We where in that, when suddenly the earth started to move. First I thougt that it would stop, but then the moving was stronger and stronger. I ran to the living room, where my boyfriend was, and with my friends we stood under a door. When the earthquake finished, I called to my house to knew if they were ok, and luckly I could comunicated with them instantly.
I waited for fifteen or twenty minutes and I drived to my house. There were no semaphore working, people of flats were down in the street, and it was a caos.
Thank's god me and my boyfriend arrived home safely.

Hope you exeperience have been better!
See you later!

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

Who Am I. First Posting!

Hi world! I'm Valeria Rossel, my frinds call me Vale or Valerita and I'm twenty one years old just turned. I'm studing physical therapy in first year and I studied two years Nutrition, but I didn't like it, so I changed from the course. I have a boyfriend called Francisco Quinteros, and he is studing the same carrer as I am, so we are classmate is some subjects, we have been together for 10 months, and we are deeply in love.

I studied in an english school "The English Institute" and I used to have a good english, but in this two years in the university, i lose the practice, so I hope that in this English course I can retake some English vocabulary, so it can be useful to study from English books, which are better than the ones than are in spanish, with complete infomation.