miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

English at the university...

What do you think of english? do you think it is useful? it is really necesary to learn it at university? Since last year that in "Universidad of Chile" english is compulsary in some careers, so students are graduated with a better level of english, that give them more opportunities abroad at the moment of search a work. In this essay I'm going to give some positives views and the negatives ones, so you can make your own opinion.

Since 2009, in physical therapy, english is a compulsory subject, and how everything in life, it have some good things and others that are not that good. First of all, english is a perfect implement if students what to travel abroad, because it is the universal language, so it give them some facilities to comunicate with their partners. It also give them the chance to study from english books, that as we know, they are the ones that have the better and newest information.
Learning english at university also helps students that knew some english since school to practice it, talking, and listening it. To know english also give the opportunity to go as an exchange student abroad, and this is a great apportunity to grow as professionals.
By the other side, english might not be very useful if students don't know how to take advange of it, and it that case, taking english as a compulsory subjetc is just some waste of time, because it take time to go to classes and do the homework, time that can be well spent doing some other works for university.
One last thing that I want to mention, is that english is a lenguage that have to be wanted to be learnt to really take advantage of it, because if not, students don't take it seriously because there are some others subject that are even more important.

So, to conclude, english is a tool that each student have to decide to take it or to leave it. In my opinion I think that english is very useful to our future as physical therapist, even more to them that want to travel and keep on studying abroad. The better information is on english books, so english have to be used to be better and a complete professional. Just think it..

Bye Classmates!

Do you like movies?

Hello classmates! Its been a long time since I havent write here, but a I haven't had time, so now I pretend to write some things... right now I'm going to talk you about films, where I like to watch them, which one is my favourite and some other things.
First, I want you to know that I love cartoon films! I used to watch movies such as The Lion King or the Cinderella, but now I like films like Shrek, or Finding Nemo, or movies like that. I also like action movies, but what I really don't like are scary movies! because then I can't sleep well!

I like to go to the cinema, but it is too expensive, so I rent movies and I watch them in my home, and it is very cool because I have a projector, so the difference is not too much. I like to watch movies with some company, maybe with my friends, or family, or a boyfriend, but I don't like to watch films alone, because I get asleep.

The last film that I watch was "Post Mortem". The avant premiere was free and in our university, so I take advantage of that and I went to watch it. It was a chilean movie, but it was very boring, so I don't recommend it. It weas too slow, and the action never came on.

Well, the invitation is there for you to come and watch a film with me!
See you!

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Stress is...

Hi there! How are you? I'm a bit late with my blogs, so now I'm going to do my 4th post and it will be about stress.
Well, nowdays it's very normal to see stress people, more now that we are ending the year and everything must be done.
Stress come when people have a lot of thing to do and not enought time, so people start with some common symptoms that usually are tiredness, people unable to concentrate or think clearly and irritability.
A good way to don't be stress is do some sport, or take a time during the day to relax and distract the mind about job or studies...
When people are stress usually they don't perform at work in a good way, because they are not a hundred percent concentrated, because they are thinking all the time in what they must do, that they don't have enought time, that they won't be able to do all work, so they finally work in a bad way.
Sometimes stressed people can take some days off with the family, like a "mini-holidays" so they can be relaxed for a while and enjoy time with the family, or just lay on the grass o the beach and enjoy to be in a place that is not the rutine place. Because I think that rutine is a very important fact to be stress, so everything that can take out of the rutine is a very possitiva way to stop stress.

So take a time and enjoy life!

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

A healthy lifstyle

Hello classmates, it's been a long time since my last post, and many things have ocurred. Today I'm going to talk about how to have a healthy lifestyle, and if it is posible.

Nowdays it's very dificult to have a healthy life, because there is fast food everywhere, people is every day more and more sedentary and the air is getting worst everyday with pollution.
However, there are many thing that people can do trying to fight these bad habits. First of all, sport is the most important because it prevents many diseases such as obesity, high cholesterol, and it keeps your brain and your heart working perfect.
Also, sport must be complement with a healthy and balanced diet, for example, people must have milk three times per day, eat 4 or 5 fruits/vegetables, have legumes at least 2 times per week, and drink a lot of water.

A good moment to get away of all these bad habits is on holidays por example, because is the best chance to go to places with a better air to breath, with less pollution. And a perfect moment to run in the mornings, in the beach for example. Vacations are also a good moment to use more suitable clothes, and no the one that people must use to go to work, or to go to the school... this thing that I've just mention, are some thing that can get us out of the rutine, and help us to have a better lifestyle.

So, try to do your best before the summer arrives! ... for a summer without a shirt!
Enjoy. and smiles at life!

sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

Places I like...

Hello Classmates, I'm a little bit late, but like some people say, it's better late than never. It's been a rare week, but it has came to the end and now I'm on holidays!!! It's so cool, now I will wake up late and rest a little bit from the university.

So well, I've been thinking a lot on which is my favourite get-away, but I'm not sure.
I like a lot Viña del Mar, a beach on the Fifth region of Chile. I've been there a lot of times with my friends and it's not really a place to rest, because we always go and have a lot of partys, although we make our time to talk, walk in the beach, cook, and sleep.

A place where I like to rest is in my own room. There I have everything I need, everything I want, It's the place that makes me confortable and where nobody can bother me. So when I want to think, rest, work, or everything I want, I stay on my room and I start listening to some music.

However I like to be in my room, I like the south of Chile too, I've been there a few times, and it's really beautiful, specially the places for camping. It's feel really good to be in touch with the nature and do thing that I usually don't do in Santiago, so if you have the posibility, go south and enjoy the landscape.

Hope you enjoy the post!
See you soon

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010


Hello classmates, so long that I haven't been here! I was on holidays and I really enjoyed them in the beach with my friends!

But now, that we've come to the reality, I'm going to talk you about music and what kind of music I like and when I listen to it.

Well, I don't really have a favourite kind of music, I listen every kind of music, but I prefer music like reggae, or dancehall, althought I like a lot romantic music too. When I was a child I really loved Alejandro Sanz, I went to a concert of him and I was really crazy; nowdays I like him, but I prefer his old songs.

I like to listening to music while I'm writing, or when I'm cleaning, or having lunch, but never when I0m studying because I can't focus on what I'm reading or learning.
I really like to listen to music because it brings me good memories. For example some music makes me remember about my boyfriend, others makes me remember about my friends or family; so many good times that I enjoy listening to music.

I usually get my music from the internet with a program called "Ares" so I played my music in my computer, because I don't like to record it on CD's
So, as I told you before I don't have a favourite kind of music, but I like some groups or singers such as "Cultura Profetica", "Bob Marley" "Jason Mraz" "Alejandro Sanz" "Ricardo Arjona"

So, what kind of music do you like?

Have a nice weekend!

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

My Experience in English Class

Hello classmates.

Today I'll write my last post! And that is because today is the last day that we will be in the computer lab, so I'll tell you something about my experience in this english class and how I have felt in this subject.

At the beginning I thought that this class will be useful because for a long time that I had not practiced English, so I was excited that I could resume my practice in english.

As time passed, I realized that this english class was not as I thought. First that we have to travel from our university that is in Independencia to this other faculty that is in Quinta Normal.
Also, I do not agree with the rules that are in this department, so really I haven't had a good experience with this class and the way that it is being carried out.

All though, this "posting class" I think is very useful because it has help me to improve my writing, and to have a better flow.

I think that next semester, listing lesson shoud improve, because we have some quiz listening, but we have no way to practice it, so I think it will help a lot.

Bye classmates!

I hope you have enjoyed with this blog, I don't think I'll write again!
Or maybe next semester! No one knows!

See you

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

My Ideal Work is....

Hello Classmates!
It's not a very good day for me... but I hope it will get better.

Today I'll speak you about my ideal work, on how I look my self in the future.

In this short time that I've been studying physical therapy, I have seen different areas in wich I could work in the future, of all of them, I've liked in specially two of them.

The one that i like the most is Neurologycal Physical Therapy. It have a great field and the ones that specializes in this area works with people that have had brain accidents, so they have lost some motor functions, or with peoplea with some degenerative problems as Parkinson, or tumor in the spinal cord or in the same brain. So the Physical Therapist are in charge on bringing them a normal life.

The other area that I like is "Traumatology", it is in charge on healing problems related with bones, so if you have a sprain or you broke a part of your body, you must go to the physical therapist, so you can recover your function on a hundred percent.
All though, I'm just in first year, many thing can happen until I Finish studying, so nobody knows.

I can tell you that I'm very happy studying physical therapy, it is really the career that I love, everything on it is perfect, the relation with the patients, the gratification you feel when you heal them, everything is beautiful. It is really the work that I want in a future, I hope, not to far away.

Hope you like your career as much as I do.

See you next week!

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Health prevention.

Hello classmates, I hope you liked my last posting.

Today I'm going to talk about health prevention and how can I, a student of physical therapy, contribute in teaching people some things that they can prevent some accidents.

First of all, people must have a balanced diet so that, they can be strong enought to stand in a better way the supposed accident that they can have. This is a prevention that is general of health's area.

Now, in relation to my field, which is Physical Therapy, that is very close to the sport area, it is very common to have some traumatisms like: tore of muscles, or sprains of finger or ankle, or another part of the body, so it is very important that the man or the woman that will practice any sport, has to do some warming-up exercises, so that the muscles don't start doing hard work without a previous or light warm up.

In addition to this, doing sport is very good for health, because it helps you being active and with energy. Sport also helps you because when you do sport, in general you don't get sick so often, so it's helps you to being healthy.

As I'm a student, I don't have too much information, but with the knowledge that I have, I could teach some people that don't have any knowledge about how to keep a healthy life, so that I can contribute with the social service, which is very important at the moment of studying a career related to health.

So, see you next week!

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

It's a new age!

Hello classmates and teacher!

So long I haven't been here, I've been very busy with university and work!

But now I'm back, and I'm going to talk about a topic that is very important nowdays

Have you notice that women now is more independent than in the past?

Well, this is a fact that is happening right now, because more women day after day are taking control of her life, we doesn't depent on what the men said, or what the men wants, we do that we want and every time we want, we are talking control of our own life!

Before, the women was the one in charge of cleaning the house, or take care of the children, and serve the husband, and the man of the family weas in charge of work and bring de money for the family. Nowdays, this situation have changed, now women doesn't depend on the money that the man brings to the house, because is she the one that works and efforts to bring home the money and the things that are needed.

Also, now couples don't get married before going to live together, the idea is to save money between both, and start to emerge supporting each other.

Personally, I like this change, because I agree with the idea that the women can do as much things as men can.

So, hope you like this little opinion!

See you in the next ocassion.

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

I love Food!

Hello classmates, it's been a long time since the last time I wrote a posting. Today I'm going to talk about food, what I like and dislike, places where I go to celebrate some special situations, and things about food, so I hope you like this new posting.

The dish I like the most are Pastas in general, I love eating spaghettis, raviolis, gnocchis, every kind of Italian preparation. I really like this dish with any kind of sauce, it can be Bolognese sauce, four cheese sauce, Raviatta sauce, whatever can join to spaghettis.

What I hate the most is to eat seafood, I don't like how it tastes, the way it looks, I can't even stand the smell of it.

Pastas are really good in a restaurant called "Golfo di Napoli" I went there last friday and i loved the place, the service is very good, and the food is very tasty and generous, so it's really a good place to go and have a good time.

Apart of this delicious dish, I also love chocolate! I can't resist to eat it, but I can't deny that, when I finish eating it, I feel really guilty but in the momento, while I'm enjoying the taste of it, I don't feel guilty at all.

So friend, hope you like this post.

See you soon.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

I admire...

Hello Classmates, today I have to talk about a person of my carrer (physical therapy) that I admire, and that person is Rodrigo Latorre. He is my teacher of functional anatomy and he is so lovely!
I don't know too much about his life, but last year, while I was studing Nutrition, I had problems in my back, so he took a look to my problem, and he was so nice, he told me the problem that I had (that now I don't remember) and he send me some exercise to do at home.

I know that he studied Physical Therapy in my same university: University of Chile. He has the master's degree in Orthopedic Manual Therapy (OMT), and works at "MEDS". He specializes in treating pacients referred to treatment for spinal injuries. With this titles that Rodrigo Latorre have won, he is recogniced all over the world, so that is one all of the things that makes me admire him so much.

I haven't been too much in touch with him because we have had just one class with him, but I hope I can know him better.

So friend, hope you are ok, see you soon!

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

My hobbies are...

Ok, this is a topic that I don't like to talk because I don't have any hobbie in particular.
I used to practice athletism, but when I was twelve years old, I had an accident while I was running, and I had to stay in bed for about 1 month and a half, so i really had a bad time.
When I was recovered, I was scared of running again, so I stopped practicing athletism.
I really liked that sport, so now i'm trying to resume this activity.

Since 2004, when I had the accident, until nowdays, what I do in my free time is anything I can do, I pass a lot of time with my boyfriend and I get together with my friends. When I can't go out of my house, I like to listening to music, or watch TV, or stay in the computer.

When I practiced athletism, I used to go to the National Stadium with a school group that practiced athletism too, so while we were training, we share some life experiences, so it was not as personal as some people believe, because even thought I used to run the speed test, I had all the support in my partners that were encouraging me at all times.

So, like you can see, I do thing that young people do, I don't have a hobbie in particular, but I'm trying to resume what I really like to do althought it's a little difficult because i was used to do anything, so start this year training a sport is something that goes out of the rutine, but until now i really like to go and run to the stadium.

So friends, bye bye! :D

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

A Moving night!

Ho My God! I've just remembered the worst night of my life.
I was watching Ricardo Arjona in "Festival de Viña del Mar 2010" with some friends. When the show came to the end, me and a friend went to the kitchen to make some tea. We where in that, when suddenly the earth started to move. First I thougt that it would stop, but then the moving was stronger and stronger. I ran to the living room, where my boyfriend was, and with my friends we stood under a door. When the earthquake finished, I called to my house to knew if they were ok, and luckly I could comunicated with them instantly.
I waited for fifteen or twenty minutes and I drived to my house. There were no semaphore working, people of flats were down in the street, and it was a caos.
Thank's god me and my boyfriend arrived home safely.

Hope you exeperience have been better!
See you later!

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

Who Am I. First Posting!

Hi world! I'm Valeria Rossel, my frinds call me Vale or Valerita and I'm twenty one years old just turned. I'm studing physical therapy in first year and I studied two years Nutrition, but I didn't like it, so I changed from the course. I have a boyfriend called Francisco Quinteros, and he is studing the same carrer as I am, so we are classmate is some subjects, we have been together for 10 months, and we are deeply in love.

I studied in an english school "The English Institute" and I used to have a good english, but in this two years in the university, i lose the practice, so I hope that in this English course I can retake some English vocabulary, so it can be useful to study from English books, which are better than the ones than are in spanish, with complete infomation.